Satisfaction is the key
It’s an inevitable that CEO of GPI AsiaTel is the person who is responsible for directing GPI AsiaTel & creating overall strategy that is going to be implemented by all of employees of GPI AsiaTel. As CEO of GPI AsiaTel overseeing the day-to-day operational activities & try to find scope of opportunities for collaboration with the customer’s demand. As organizational conceiver who create the GPI AsiaTel’s strategic plan, built a positive vibe among the employees & connect our valued customers specially GP, Robi, Banglalink, TeleTalk, ZTE, Huawei, Ericsson, NEC, ADN, Smart BD, PGCB, REB, edotco, American Tower Co, FrontAir, Summit Communication, LNT, KEC, Kalpotaru, TransRail etc.
The CEO as captain of GPI AsiaTel who determine the organizational direction, when is the time to sail the ship or time to get ready for the storm.
Overseeing the set business plan to all stakeholders involved in GPI AsiaTel to ensure that they can execute the plan well.
The final goal is to maximize profit keeping mind with the welfare of our employees to increase the GPI AsiaTel’s image & reputations in the Telecommunication & non-Telco with Government & Semi-Government sectors.
As the guardian & representative of GPI AsiaTel, the CEO of GPI AsiaTel shows a good attitude & morale that has a positive impact on the organizational reputation.
A CEO of GPI AsiaTel is a top-ranking employee in the sense that he works for the firm but he is not a run–of the–mill staff member; he has considerable responsibility & influence with the firm.
Having said that, in organizations with a healthy corporate governance function, the CEO of GPI AsiaTel is also not at all–powerful leader with unchecked power & decision-making authority. The CEO of GPI AsiaTel reports directly to & is ultimately accountable to management.
Responsibilities GPI AsiaTel’s CEO
  • Setting and executing GPI AsiaTel’s strategy, allocating capital, and building and overseeing the executive team.
  • Possess strong communication skills, great leadership acumen, and unrivaled passion for GPI AsiaTel and its employees.
  • Serves as the Chair of management, but this can pose a potential conflict of interest.
  • Can (theoretically) take on any tasks or responsibilities as wishes indeed, particularly within GPI AsiaTel, tend to be pretty hands-on with some corporate functions.
Gravitate towards certain functions like marketing or finance, depending on their professional background and expertise. The stage of the company lifecycle matters, too; for example, CEOs at earlier stage ventures may spend a larger proportion of their time fundraising than counterparts at more mature firms.
In practice, time and expertise are best spent focusing on a handful of really high-impact, core responsibilities. These include:
Setting and Executing Business Strategy & Management:
Decisions about new product lines, generating (and/or maintaining) competitive advantages, potential new markets, and mitigating risks or seizing on opportunities (among others) all fall under the purview of the CEO (GPI AsiaTel)
As with anything in GPI AsiaTel, they will rely on considerable data and input from senior leaders as well as direction and insight from the management, but the CEO of GPI AsiaTel is the individual that has operational control over strategy and execution.
Building the Senior Leadership Team:
To attract top talent to their organizations. While they aren’t responsible for hiring or terminating every individual employee, they are responsible for building and overseeing the executive leadership team who, in turn, hire and oversee upper and middle management within their divisions.
The executive leadership team includes the CFO (Chief Financial Officer), the COO (Chief Operating Officer), and, depending on the nature of GPI AsiaTel, all the other C-suite roles that may exist (Chief Risk Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Investment Officer, etc.)
In our GPI AsiaTel, the Management body will have final (formal) authority on hiring decisions at the C-level, but, in most instances, the board actually defers to the recommendation(s) of the CEO (GPI AsiaTel)
Making Capital Allocation Decisions:
While division and departmental managers may be responsible for managing their respective budgets, the responsibility for setting and managing GPI AsiaTel ’s overall budget in order to effectively execute strategic initiatives ultimately falls upon the CEO of GPI AsiaTel.
Furthermore, will also weigh in on when (and how) to raise funds, as well as how to make the best use of surplus capital. Strategies include repaying debt, distributing capital by way of dividends or share repurchases, or reinvesting in the business.
Setting Vision, Values, and Corporate Culture:
Corporate culture has many elements that are organic in nature, but the mission, vision, and values designed and implemented will ultimately steer that culture in any number of different directions.
Must be very aware of their tenor, their behavior, and every single action they take (or don’t take) – the entire organization is watching. Even decisions around what they wear or how they choose to present themselves and engage with other members of the firm will set the tone for the rest of GPI AsiaTel.
Communicating Effectively with All Stakeholders:
Is the face of GPI AsiaTel. CEO representing the firm in front of the general public, the press, lawmakers or other regulators, employees, customers, suppliers, or any number of other parties interested in company operations.
Relaying core elements of vision, values, and mission is important, but actually living these values is even more critical. Is never really “off duty” – there is always someone watching or listening.
Risk Management & Controls:

Managing the GPI AsiaTel risk profile in line with the extent and categories of risk identified as acceptable by the management body.

Ensuring appropriate internal controls are in place.

Developing a business strategy requires be many steps ahead of the general public in seeing and understanding how trends may evolve. 

Develop Strong leadership. Even with unmatched passion and foresight, the business can’t get there without the right people in place to make things happen. Must

Effective communication skills:

Keeping the Chair informed on all important issues. Always under scrutiny and must constantly deliver and reinforce the GPI AsiaTel’s message.

Ensuring the management receives accurate, timely and clear information to enable it to discharge its duties.

Ensuring the management are kept informed of key business issues including any forthcoming, complex, contentious or sensitive issues affecting the organization, for example any divergence of views within higher management.

Ensuring the management is aware, where appropriate, of the views of the workforce on issues of relevance to the business.

Leading effective engagement and communication with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders. Also serves as the Chair. However, as scrutiny around corporate governance practices continues to grow, GPI AsiaTel is moving away from that model. 

Our Company - GPI AsiaTel

Md. Firoz Tarik

CEO, GPI AsiaTel